David Marrs Trees provides tree injections service to protect against Bronze Birch Borer, a destructive, native species of beetle which infests and then kills some Birch trees.

Signs of infestation to look for
Dead or dying upper branches, missing foliage. Ridges and bumps on the branches. D-shaped holes in the bark. Little tunnels underneath peeled back bark. If you notice any or all of these signs, you’ll know you have an infestation on your hands.
The beetles bore tunnels that girdle the branches and eventually kill the tree. If nothing is done about this, the tree will usually die within a few years of discovery of the first dead branches.
Protecting your trees from Bronze Birch Borer
Applications of pesticide in the form of tree injections are an important tool and David Marrs Trees provides these services. It is best to apply these treatments in early to mid-spring.
It’s also important to keep your tree healthy by choosing the right soil and taking good care of your tree. Birch trees don’t do well in clay soils or most lawns so make sure you select the most loamy, well-drained, or sandy soil you can. Proper fertilizing, watering, and controlling other insects will keep your Birch healthy and less susceptible to infestation.
Read more about Bronze Birch Borer here in this article.
Need Tree injections service?
Read more about our tree injection services here and feel free to reach out for a quote here!