September Tree Trimming & Removals in Ellensburg, WA

September was a busy month for David Marrs Trees and we were out doing numerous tree work projects around the county, including removals in Ellensburg and tree trimming in Kittitas Valley. Check out the blog for some before & after pictures to see our top-notch work!

Ellensburg Tree Trimming

On September 6th, 2023 the crew was out in dog-town doing some property maintenance for a home owner. The job involved pruning several trees including a Spruce, Silver Maple, Cottonwood, Honey Locust, Linden, and two Ash trees. As always we left things looking better than they did before and another happy customer.

Before and after picture of tree pruning in Ellensburg, WA.
Before and after picture of the backyard tree trimming

Here’s a little video of David finishing up pruning the Spruce in the front yard. This is why you hire David Marrs Trees – we go the extra mile!

David going the extra mile to get it just right.

Lower Kittitas valley Tree Trimming

The next day, we were out in the lower Kittitas Valley beating back the jungle in our customer’s back yard. We trimmed and/or removed a bunch of small Aspens, removed a Cottonwood, and generally cleared a lot of brush and scraggly, small trees. No job is too big, too tall, or too small! We really opened up this customer’s back yard and got him started on a large landscaping project. Here’s the before and after of that one.

Before and after of removals and trimming in the lower Kittitas Valley.

Birch Tree Removal in Ellensburg

One more job for the week was a Birch tree removal along with 3 Willow tree removals. Birch trees are often afflicted with Birch Bronze Borer, an invasive beetle species that bores into the trees, eventually killing them. This Birch tree was dying and was near the customer’s home so had to go. We also got started removing 3 Willow trees near the irrigation ditch, which made for hard work. Here’s a short of the Birch tree coming down.

YouTube short of the Birch Tree removal.

contact Us for All Your Tree Care Needs

If you are in need of tree care services, look no further! Request a free quote here on our appointments page.

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No job too big, too tall, or too small