Spruce & Madrone Tree Removal
David Marrs Trees spruce tree removal madrone tree removal

On November 25th, David Marrs Trees was on the job for a Spruce tree removal in Duvall, WA and a Madrone tree removal in Bellevue, WA.

Here are pictures of the two trees removed on this work day:

Tree #1 – Spruce tree removal in Duvall
Tree #2 – Madrone tree removal in Bellevue

Spruce Removal

The first job was a Spruce tree removal in Duvall, WA. The homeowner was concerned about the roots damaging a paved walkway. They were also concerned about the potential for the tree or limbs to fall into their neighbors yard and/or house.

This was a straightforward removal. The only object below the tree was a fence which was easily avoided. We were able to finish this job up by the early afternoon and get over to Bellevue for the 2nd job.

Madrone Removal

Next up was the Madrone removal in Bellevue. This tree was dead, which is unfortunate because Madrone is a beautiful species native to the West. Many people are surprised to learn that it is an evergreen tree. Check out this article for a little more info on the Pacific Madrone. A dead tree this large obviously poses a threat to the home, fence, powerlines, and landscaping.

The tree was close to a fence and powerlines, so a technique called “speedlining” was used to lower parts of the tree down. This allowed us to drop heavy parts of the tree without damaging anything.

Expert Tree Care Services

If you have a dead tree, or a tree that is dangerously close to your home or any other structures, don’t hesitate to reach out for an estimate today. Here is a link to our estimates page where you can request a quote.

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No job too big, too tall, or too small