David and the crew were out in Ellensburg, WA on March 29th, 2024 for a Spruce tree removal. The crew was there removing several dead Spruce trees for a homeowner out in the east valley. The trees were dead and were at risk of falling and posed a serious fire risk because they were so dead and dry.
Before & After
As always, here is a before & after picture showing the results of our handiwork.

We left the tree on the right standing because it had a hawk’s nest in it. You can see the results of the over-crowding of these trees on the tree to the left – branches unable to get sun due to over-crowding are dead. Branches like that will have a hard time recovering, highlighting the importance of maintenance pruning for certain species of tree. Check out our tree pruning page here to request a quote.
Spruce Tree Removal Video
The video above shows the crews’ process for these removals. They weren’t close to the home or powerlines so these were straightforward removals other than the fact that the trees were dead. Dead trees can be harder to remove because they are weaker and may break in unpredictable ways. The trees were all pretty tall, about 50′-75′ ft so involved a lot of climbing.
Focused on Preservation
Focused on preservation is our motto, and preservation includes habitat for wildlife! We decided to leave standing one Ponderosa Pine because it has a hawk’s nest in it. It was entertaining to watch the worried hawks circling all day as we worked in the trees adjacent to their nest. Luckily for the hawks, we left their tree standing. The hawks will have an easier time seeing their prey on the ground now that the over-crowded dead trees next to their nest tree have been removed. Hopefully they got over the upset of a chainsaw and woodchipper running all day.
For some tips on keeping coniferous trees healthy, check out this blog. One of the most important thing is making sure to water them if you live in a dry climate!